
Free Website Traffic Course - The 90 Day Challenge!

4 Lessons Easy

About this course

Now Let's Put The Rest Togethor!

Right so now you have your published post, that's being commented and shared. It has great content and is engaging your audience. So what else is there left to do? Well to be honest there is still some things we need to do yet before we are finished.


You should try and reply to the comments that people leave on your blog posts. Be thankful for the comment, answer any questions and generally engage with those who comment as much as time allows.

Add More Content To The Article!

Even though you have written a lengthy article already I bet you could go into more detail right? Once every month or so, read your article. If you can find more places you can go into more detail then do so! I tweak things like headlines, titles, paragraphs, pictures. Even doing things like changing your themes can be considered new content. If by now your article isn't on the front (if not top) page of Google leave a comment below and I'll make some further recommendations. 

Repeat All The Steps In This Course For each Post you Do!

That's right! I mean it - for every post you do if you follow the steps laid out in this course your website will be crawling with visitors! Write down the steps in this course and use them to create your own timeline in which to get everything done for each post you publish.

Try and refine your time management until you can publish an article every 2 - 4 weeks. At the end of this 90 days challenge if you have chosen the right keywords and phrases to use (following Yoast suggestions to turn the lights green) you should have 1000;s of visitors.

Try Learning More About SEO By Doing The Course!

I'm creating a few courses like this and the next one is the SEO Course. This course will teach you everything you need to know about SEO and how to develop your traffic strategies even further!

Learn more

Course Structure


Getting Started – Content

In this first lesson we need to address your content. If you do not have the right content you will struggle for many reasons.

Please read and comment on the following blog post:

1. Free Website Traffic Guide 2018



Creating The Right Content

In this part of the course we will cover how to create the right content. This lesson will be a bit more comprehensive than the previous and will require you to leave a link to your page in the comments showing of your content. 


Sharing Your Content

In this part of the course you will learn how to make your content shareable. You will learn some great resources and tools for making your sharing your content easier and less time consuming. You will also learn how to get other people to share your content!


Conclusion – Putting It All Together!

This is the final lesson that will tell you show to put it all together. In this lesson you will learn how it all fits together to create a free website traffic system.
